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Order Details

Boring Crap Nobody Reads

* The weight of the items in your Cart are estimated to be Lbs. If the actual weight is different, or if order requires multiple packages, the freight charges are subject to change.

** Powertrain may choose the most suitable warehouse to fulfill order. If necessary parts will ship from multiple warehouses to complete order unless instructed otherwise.

*** Like adding guac, this cost extra.

Powertrain will pay the freight on all orders over $1200 within the Continental U.S. Powertrain will choose carrier for Pre-Paid shipments.

Powertrain is impressed you actually read this.

Order Items

QtyPart #DescriptionNVVADSCoreEa.Total
Est. Shipping:
In StockCan Build or Partial In StockCall for Availability (800) 798-4585